Nabídka partnerství Slovenských organizací v rámci otevřených výzev programu EU4Health v roce 2021

Vytvořeno: 30. 8. 2021 Poslední aktualizace: 30. 8. 2021

Ministerstvo zdravotnictví obdrželo nabídku partnerství od Slovenských organizací, které by se chtěly zapojit do níže zmíněných projektů v rámci otevřených výzev programu EU4Health. Pod níže uvedenými výzvami naleznete kontakt na organizaci nabízející partnerství a informace týkající se jejich působení, plánovaných aktivit a cílů. První z níže uvedených výzev již byla zveřejněna (viz EU4Health – první výzvy k předkládání žádostí o udělení grantu), následující dvě níže uvedené výzvy plánuje Evropská komise zveřejnit v průběhu roku 2021 na Funding&Tenders Portalu. Popis všech výzev, jejichž vyhlášení se plánuje v roce 2021 naleznete v článku Roční pracovní program na rok 2021.

DP/C-g-10.3.1 Call for proposals: action grants for a project on the quality and safety of radiation technology in diagnosis and treatment of cancer

  • Slovak society of radiation oncology (Slovenská spoločnosť radiačnej onkológie), Pavol DUBINSKY, Head of Radiation Oncology, tel. + 421 55 6135 501/511,

„On behalf of the Slovak society of radiation oncology (SSRO) we would be interested to participate at a proposal on Action grants for a project on the quality and safety of radiation technology in diagnosis and treatment of cancer,  specifically at the clinical audit in radiation oncology, which is included in the Quality and safety of medical radiation applications activity.

A nation-wide project in technology upgrade at 8 radiation oncology departments in Slovakia has been recently completed. All major departments are equipped with a recent technology for radiotherapy planning and delivery now. We believe that the aim of the project which is to provide access to the safe and modern radiotherapy for all cancer patients would be accomplished only if we set, implement and control radiotherapy quality standards at all departments.

We are motivated to compile structural and operational standards and requirements and to carry out physical clinical audits and evaluation at the newly furnished departments. With little experience in this field we would like to join similar activity conducted between European countries. The main stakeholders in the clinical audits project at Slovak departments in oncology would be the Commission for quality control in radiology, radiation oncology and nuclear medicine of the Slovak Ministry of health and the SSRO.“

DP/C-g-08.2.3/4 Call for proposals: action grants boosting cancer prevention through the use of the European Code against Cancer and other concerted actions

DP/C-g-09.1.2 Call for proposals: action grants to support accreditation and certification of quality assurance schemes for breast, colorectal and cervical cancer screening programmes

  • National Oncology Institute (Národný onkologický inštitút), Maria RECKOVA, Director of NOI, tel. +421 918 397 929, / Jana Trautenberger RICOVA, Screening Programs Coordinator,

„The mission of NOI is to serve as clinical research, academic, and educational cooperation platform for the implementation of activities that help fulfil the National Oncology Program in five specific areas: cancer epidemiology; prevention, including screening; research and development; diagnostics and treatment, including supportive care; and data utilization.

Currently, the central area of NOI focus is coordinating the national oncology screening programs according to EU guidelines at all levels. The essential part is quality assurance and raising awareness. The National Health Information Center (NHIC), the Health Insurance Companies (HIC), and NOI have set the data flow in screening programs. NOI assures quality monitoring as well as program evaluation. Based on the program evaluation, the role of NOI is to make the proposals of screening program´s update for the Slovak Ministry of Health, who is the guarantor of the screening programs.

We would be interested in collaboration in the activities that would lead to more effective implementation of EU guidelines and quality assurance schemes.

Other areas in which we would be willing to collaborate are activities that would lead to a more effective awareness through more up-to-date information platforms, like mobile apps, etc.“