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Resilient Mental Health in the European Union

Vytvořeno: 1. 11. 2022 Poslední aktualizace: 1. 11. 2022

14th November 2022, 11.00 – 16.00, Permanent Representation of Czechia to the EU, Brussels

Mental ill health is highly prevalent and increasing in the EU – around 11% of the population is estimated to experience mental ill health, causing immense suffering for individuals, families, and communities. Mental ill health puts pressure on health, educational, economic, labor market, and social welfare systems across the EU. Stigma, prejudice, and discrimination are widespread and have a significant impact on those affected seeking or receiving help and support.poster Resilient Mental Health in the European Union

At least 30% of people affected by severe mental ill-health have limited access to care and the majority do not benefit from effective and proven interventions – while in fact, in many cases, mental ill-health can be prevented, cured, treated, and managed. The COVID-19 pandemic has put the spotlight on the need to address mental health like never before and the war in Ukraine is also highlighting the precious and vulnerable nature of mental health.

EU Coordinated Approach Needed

The EU Member States are facing the same issues in relation to tackling mental ill-health, both with respect to prevention and health promotion as well as to the development and implementation of effective and sustainable care provision models. Therefore, it would make good sense to foster cooperation and address and promote mental health jointly.

Over recent years the European Commission has taken various steps and actions to ensure a place for mental health on the EU political agenda. However, mental health has been addressed as one of the many parts of the Commission’s more general chronic disease agenda that signified a decrease in visibility of the topic. In October 2022, the Commission announced that in Q2 2023, the non-legislative report on „A comprehensive approach to mental health“ will be published and address this issue.

High-Level Conference in Brussels

Given the above-mentioned context a High-Level Conference titled “Resilient Mental Health in the European Union” is organized under auspices of the  Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU in order to enable thorough discussion and exchange views about the topics such as impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the EU citizens, the current EU healthcare initiatives and their spillovers to mental health, best practices in mental health approaches or tools to support mental health research in the EU.

The conference will bring together high-level speakers representing the European Parliament, the European Commission as well as representatives of the governments of the EU Member States, patient organizations and leading mental health researchers and experts from across the EU.

The conference takes place at the Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic the EU in Brussels (Rue Caroly 15) on 14th November 2022 between 11:00 – 16:00. The participants can register at mentalhealth@psychiatrie.cz until Friday 4th November. Please indicate whether you prefer to participate in-person or to follow the conference online. The capacity of the conference room is limited so your participation is valid only once confirmed by the organizer.