Programme committee

Vytvořeno: 29. 6. 2022 Poslední aktualizace: 29. 6. 2022

The Conference is organized by the Ministry of Health in close cooperation with the Institute of Health Information and Statistics of the Czech Republic, and two leading oncology centers: the Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute in Brno, and the Motol University Hospital in Prague.

The Institute of Health Information and Statistics has been established by the Ministry of Health and is the administrator of the National Health Information System. The Institute is therefore a body for the collection, sharing (at national and international level) and processing of health information and data, and for the management of national health registers. From the perspective of the Conference, it is the administrator of the National Cancer Registry and the National Screening Center.

The Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute in Brno is the leading oncology centre in the Czech Republic with supraregional competence. The institute concentrates all essential branches of medicine to ensure complex oncological care, including prevention, epidemiology, diagnostics, research activities, and particular modalities of cancer treatment and physiotherapy. The institution is managed by the Ministry of Health, and it is established as one of two National Cancer Centres for the EU-wide network in the Czech Republic.

The Motol University Hospital in Prague is the largest medical facility in the Czech Republic and one of the largest in Europe. It provides basic, specialized and super specialized health care and services in different medical fields including oncology. Like the above-mentioned Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute, the Department of Oncology of the Motol University Hospital performs comprehensive multidisciplinary treatment of cancer, and it is established as a second National Cancer Centre for the EU-wide network in the Czech Republic.

The expert guarantors for the thematic blocks of the Conference are the following:

  • Ondřej Májek, Institute of Health Information and Statistics, Brno
  • Marek Svoboda, Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute, Brno
  • Iva Mládenková, Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute, Brno
  • Kateřina Kopečková, Motol University Hospital, Prague

The Conference also includes an accompanying program prepared by following Czech patient organizations and non-profit organization for the prevention of oncological diseases:

The Alliance of Women with Breast Cancer (AWBC) is an umbrella organization of 40 national non-profit patients’ organizations. It has been serving its member organizations for 20 years. Alliance is creating an information and educational center for the public, for breast cancer patients and their organizations, offering methodological help to breast cancer patients’ organizations, coordinating projects and campaigns aimed at the prevention and treatment of breast cancer, unifying efforts of both patients ‘organizations and individuals pressing for equal rights and conditions during the treatment and convalescence of women with breast cancer disease. Since 2009, the AWBC has been a member of the Europa Donna coalition and since 2017 a member of the European Cancer Patients Coalition.

Loono is a non-profit organization composed of a team of medical students, young physicians and other professionals like nurses, paramedics, and nutritionists. Loono organizes educational workshops and webinars at private companies, schools, and festivals. The scope of their workshops range from cancer prevention (#boobsandballs), or cardiovascular diseases prevention (#yourheartforlife) to lifestyle diseases and sexual health (#allgooddownthere). They recently added a new mental health campaign (#feelinggood) to the portfolio of their activities. Loono is under the auspices of 1st LF UK and another 6 medical faculties in the Czech Republic. Their professional guarantors are doctors from fields of gynecology, urology, cardiology, and general practice.

The Voice of oncology patients is a platform that brings together patient and support organizations that work to meet the health, social and psychological needs of cancer patients. The purpose of the platform is to develop activities mainly in the field of representation, support and promotion of the interests and complex needs of patients with oncological and hemato-oncological diseases, across all diagnoses. Further strengthen the awareness of these diseases among the general public, including the state administration and other institutions, both in the Czech Republic and abroad.